It must be incredibly frustrating to be my friend, or even to be in the same room as me. Like poor Mark the other, having me completely lose it because I thought the chile was burnt. Why can't I just be calmer?
I hate it that I attention seek so much. Without even intending to, I find myself trying to be funny, or weird, or anything, just to get people to notice me. I really don't even want to. Although one could argue that blogging in itself is attention seeking.
It's ridiculous.
And I am so sick of it. I feel like it takes over my life sometimes. I get so stressed, and I am sick of the panic attacks, and the headaches, and the stomach problems, and everything else.
But I worry you know. Just say, I was to lose this. would I still be the same person? Would I be any use at all if I wasn't this OTT? You can see from the state of my house (the place I crash every night) that without stress and panic, I have no motivation. When I was majorly depressed, my room was perfect. My life was as under control as I could possibly make it. I feel as if the better I get, the less like me I get. Being messy isn't me. I hate it. I can't stand being at home, because it is where I am messy.
What scares me even more, is that if I don't feel sad all the time, if I just feel normal, then will things be able to make me feel as happy as they do now? Being happy after being so sad, I love the contrast. I don't know if it is the same any other way. I can't remember.
Yes, I want to keep on getting better, but I just get so scared sometimes that better is actually worse.
I do want to get better, I know I do. It's just sometimes that I feel like this. Just a little worry at the back of my mind.
I know that Jesus loves me, and that he wants me better. So I guess I just have to trust that with him, better truly will be better.