Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Heart Broken

Is it possible to have your heart broken platonically? I think so.
I've had my heart broken romantically. A couple of years ago. It was horrible. It involved a lot of tears, and wine, and sad sad movie, and Lady Antebellum's "need you now" on repeat. I'd prefer to never do that again.
But over my life, I think my heart has been broken by friends on several occasions. I don't enjoy the demise of any relationship. Sometimes that happens naturally. I understand this. Friendships have their seasons. You never let them leave your heart, but you don't see them every day.
But sometimes a friend has suddenly decided that they don't like you, or just don't care, or for whatever reason, they decide to end things.
I don't ever expect this. And it's kind of like a break up in many ways. For example, I usually end up on the couch, crying and eating ice cream. Lol actually that may or may not be true. I don't need to reveal quite how much of a cliche I am right now.
It hurts a lot, is what I'm trying to say. I don't know if this is normal. Have others experienced this?
On my worst days, I assume this only happens to me. That I am somehow unlovable. But when I am realistic, I guess this happens to everyone. I may be more sensitive than some people, but I am not the cause of this. Or at least I hope not.
This has probably only happened 3 or 4 times. One of those times the person forgave me, and we 'got back together', and are still friends now. One is recent, and I hold a little hope that things can change. But there are a couple of people I still feel devastated about losing. I still love them with all my heart, but the friendship has meet been rebuilt. I don't cry every day, or anything crazy. But they are always somewhere there at the back of my mind.
So what is worse? Losing love or losing friendship? How can that possibly be measured?
I love my friends. All of them. Whether they accept that or not.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I'm sitting on a train. I love trains. I always have. The rhythm soothes me, and the hum of the engine is comforting. But I think it's more than that. All my favourite places to be, like the central markets, trains and trams, the beach, cafes, etc have this attribute I call public loneliness.
Public loneliness is, as those of you who are literate might have guessed, simply the state of being alone in public.
For me, it's something I find completely necessary.
I'm an extrovert. Not in the sense of loving public speaking, or clowning around, although I do enjoy those things from time to time. In the sense of needing people around me to fuel me. If I am left alone for more than a day or so, I go mad. In fact whenever I am alone, my feelings take over. Sometimes that's okay, and a good thing. But sometimes, like these last few weeks, I just have too many feelings to handle all at once. When I'm alone they just burble up, and suffocate me.
While being with people is a good thing, it is also difficult. Because I can't realistically let people see what's going on. Some friends, yes sure. But not everyone. That would be chaos. And so I have the public version of me. She hasn't been working well recently. She's quieter, and more distracted. But, she is still protecting me. Perhaps too well. She doesn't let me feel any emotions at all any more. To prevent me from crying in front of people, she also has to stop me laughing. She just has to stop me feeling at all. Tonight I fell off a porch and dropped and smashed my phone. If she let my emotions work, I would be embarrassed and upset about that. But no, there's no emotions.
So there are my two options. I can drown in emotions, or have none at all.
Until I get into the public alone space. It's the perfect mix of being able to be quiet and think, but still having to hold it all together.
I can't break down and cry, or shake, like I might do in private.
But I also don't have to talk or laugh or express any emotion at all.
The strangers around me unknowingly hold me together, while I gather myself.
It's a blessing.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What happened?

So yesterday's blog was...gloomy. To say the least.
I don't know what happened. But today I've been fine. Better than that actually. For me, pretty great.
Was someone praying? Coz this never happens. I was happy without trying. And without life getting better.
Weird. But good.

Treading water.

I'm not coping well with life at the moment.
It shouldn't be a surprise to me. I've been depressed for 10 years or so now. On and off. I've dealt with anxiety, panic attacks, self injury. Suicidal desires. I've done almost everything except drugs to cope with it. And smoking. Coz that shit is gross.
But this is a whole new ball game.
Ever since I lost my job, things have been going downhill. I have had more and more days of just not getting out of bed. I don't feel bad all the time. I just don't feel anything. When I do feel, it's like there is no control over my emotions. It's terrifying. I'll suddenly find myself crying in the shops. Or I'll be driving down the hill and decide I should just take my hands off the wheel and accelerate. It only lasts a second.
I go through so many emotions so quickly. They are all valid. But I'm feeling them all too strongly, and they are changing too quickly. I feel dizzy. I can't keep up.
I know how I could fix this. One cut and everything will stop swirling. I won't be feeling too much or too little. The physical pain will save me from every thing else.
But it's too addictive. If I could just do it once, maybe I would. But it was so hard to kick last time.
So I'll just try and keep my head above water a bit longer. And hope that everything calms down.
At least this time, I have valid reasons to feel like shit. Lots of stuff sucks right now. So it's not crazy depression without reason anymore.
I sort of thought it was all under control for a while there. But life was easy for a while too. I guess I just don't cope very well with adversity.
Someone said I was strong recently. If she could see inside my head she would know how false that is.
I'm barely holding together. I'm stuck together with clag glue at the moment. One more nudge will send me to pieces.
Which would be okay. I've been in pieces before. I've put them back together.
I'll be okay. I'm in no danger of hurting myself or anyone else.
The worst that will happen will be inappropriate tears, or pushing more friends away.
I had a good day today. I was volunteering. Helping others always helps I guess.
Jesus help me.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Friendship. Is it meant to be forever? In the Rosalie rule book it is.
Not like every single acquaintance stays forever. That's pretty normal.
It's also normal to drift closer and further apart over time. But you don't love each other any less.
A great example of this is my yits girls. Obviously we were closer when we saw each other three days a week. But now even when we don't see each other for months, we get together and it's like nothing changed. It's amazing.
Recently I met someone new. A friend of a friend. We got to know each other, and became quite close.
I told her once that she'd never lose me. I told her I never let friends go.
But then something happened. I guess this is normal and part of life. Whatever. She seems to have decided for whatever reason that we can't be friends anymore. it's very confusing I can't tell if it is because I've done something wrong, and she genuinely dislikes me, or because she thinks she's hurt me, or what. She's amazing, but not the most clear person I have ever met.
And I guess I should be fine with this. I should just grow up and move on. Except that when you are in my heart, you never leave it.
I don't know how to express this to her. I've tried so hard. But everything else keeps getting in the way.
Right at the moment, life is getting pretty crap for me. Life always sucks in some way, I know. But now I have no church, I'm having family issues, work sucks, I'm financially screwed, I just failed uni, my depression is getting worse every day, my social opportunities are being taken from me. All first world problems I know, but it's hard. The one thing I did have was these few close friends, keeping me going. And for one to just discard me like trash, well, it makes me feel like trash. And also like it's going to happen again. When will the next person just give up on me? When will someone I trust with everything just change their mind?
Anyone who bothers to read this...If we are friends, I will always love you. No matter what. I don't have much to offer in a friendship, but that much is true.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Queer Beliefs

"He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious?"
Actually Avril, you could.
I wish that's what anyone could respond to that particular song. To that idea that "normal" means heterosexual. That there are only 2, polarised genders.
I hope that when I raise children, they will know that boys can fall in love with boys. That biological girls can identify as male. Etc. And most importantly, that nothing in heaven or on earth could separate them from the Love of God.
I actually have a lot of hope that the world will become more queer friendly.
Statistics show it, my own experience shows it. The media is becoming more inclusive. We still have a long way to go, but momentum is gathering.
What I do worry about is that the divide between the church and the community will grow wider again.
I fear that youth retention rates will continue to fall. I don't blame young people for leaving. I'm a young person, and I want to leave. I'm not going to, but sometimes I don't feel strong enough to fight.
Fighting is hard. I'm guilty of not fighting hard enough over the last few years.
This isn't the kind of fight that's going to be won by attending rallies or by challenging church doctrine. The big things will help, for sure, but wiping out homophobia is gonna have to involve lifestyle changes.
I still don't know what this would look like. It's so far from where we are now.
All I know is that I'm starting change with myself, and my conversations ad attitudes.
Join me :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Can Only Go Up From Here

So I made the first move toward getting my life sorted out today. finally figured out my new uni timetable. And do you know what? Since I don't have to care what anyone else thinks of my life choices any more, I chose a subject about Gender and Sexuality. I wanted to do it, but thought people would not understand and judge me for it before. But now, I guess I can really just do the things I want to do. Tiny silver lining there!

But anyway, kind of exciting for me. Started thinking about study next year as well, it's good to be able to look ahead again.

I've been in survival mode for too long now. Happy to be trying to move on.

It still hurts like crazy to think about it all. I still can't believe it happened. But, I'm getting there.

Still need lots of hugs though :P

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Treading Water

Living with depression feels like treading water. I'm scared to stop moving because I don't want to sink down again. It's exhausting.

Finding a church feels much the same. I just want to take some time off, and just be sad about everything that happened at Malvern. But I can't. I know that if I get out of rhythm, I may never get back into it. I came close t doing that before. Going to church isn't something that I necessarily enjoy all the time. A lot of the time it's really hard. At least when you're established in a church you know what you can expect, and you're involved. I know I should just want to go and worship Jesus, but I'd really rather mope around at home.

Meeting new people is exhausting. Being a part of new worship styles is exhausting. Etc Etc Etc.

I know it's really important, and hence I'm gonna force myself out of bed and into something slightly more stylish than PJs very soon. But I can really see why so many people fall away from the church. It's hard work.

Blah I'm pathetic, but getting this out of my system did help. Right, off to explore new churches. :)