Sunday, February 21, 2010


Having a crush sucks.
Especially when it is someone who is out of your league/ would never notice you even if that wasn't the case.
Trying to get over a crush is hard. Blogging/thinking/talking about it is probably the least helpful thing you can do. But oh well.
I remember my first crush. I think I was in reception. I had lots of crushes in reception. I had a boyfriend in year one. Until we had a fight over a pair of scissors, and I got sent to the principal's office. Then there was a boy who I had a crush on, and so I followed him around all the time. To the extent that he walked around in circles in the middle of the oval with me 10 cm behind him.
It also sucks when someone has a crush on you, and you don't return the feeling. When i was about 13, I was in a play. This guy called John used to always come and sit with me, and try and touch me as often as possible and stuff. He was like 17 so I found it kind of creepy. Was glad when dress rehearsals started and I could hide in the girl's change room.
But on the whole, crushes were easier when I was younger. If you liked a guy, you flirted via text. If you wanted to get rid of a guy, you texted him. Or got a friend to do that.
Can't really do that anymore.
Also, as a teenager, you weren't as careful as you have to be now. So what if you caused a major drama? Everyone did that, on a regular basis. And then all your friends would choose sides, and fight for a few days, until making up, and it all being good again. Being a young adult make life a whole lot more serious. You don't tell a guy you like them, because it might make things awkward. Causing a drama could be disastrous.
I don't understand how anyone manages to get together with people. There are just too many things to worry about.
This is why I will always be single :P
And why I would like some parts of my mind to be erased.


  1. Totally agree with you here. Liking a guy who won't like you back is one of the worst feelings in the world.

  2. And you feel so stupid liking him, but you can't help it. It is driving me crazy.

  3. :( imagine me giving you a gi-normous (is that a word?) hug right now, because I know that feeling and I hate it too
