See apparently it's ridiculous that I believe in Creation, and not in homosexuality being wrong. Which annoys me.
First point: Why do we have to fit into categories anyway? Like why do I have to either be completely literal, or completely liberal?
Second point: Why Why Why can't you evolutionist Christians accept my beliefs the way I accept yours? Why do you have to continually make me feel like I am stupid for believing what I believe? Why won't you even stop to think, for just a second, that I do not believe this blindly? That I have spent years now looking at the facts, looking at science, and evaluating what I believe based on that?
Third point: Really why does it matter? Are my beliefs really that much of an embarrassment to the church, as one blogger said, many moons ago? (not specifically about me lol). Do we really need to all believe in evolution, so that the secular world will stop ridiculing us? Can I just say that the creation/evolution question is not the most ridiculous thing about Christianity...Hello, we believe that some guy gave up his life to save people, and that he came back to life. Harry potter much? Not to mention loving our enemies...
Fourth point: If evolution is so obviously right, why can nobody answer my questions about how it fits in with Christian theology? Like when did humanity start, when did sin start? Was there ever a perfect world? Was there death before sin?
I don't know, it seems like we try and find the easiest answer for other issues, and Creation seems much more logical to me.
Fifth point: how is creation and homosexuality related at all?
Sixth point: I don't even know what I think about homosexuality. Or creation really. Or anything. I guess it's because I am acknowledging that I don't know everything, that makes me a liberal. Who knows?
In conclusion: I don't really care that much about this. I am not angry, as I may sound :P
But I do think that we need to learn to take the other point of view more seriously. Just because we don't agree, doesn't mean they're stupid.
I totally agree :-)
ReplyDeleteLiberal, literal...people just like categorising things. Makes life easy haha. Maybe you need to write out a list of Rosalie's beliefs so people will know what you're conservative about, and what you're liberal about :-P
I like your conclusion by the way :-)
lol and put it on a teeshirt so that people will stop bugging me?
ReplyDelete"Do we really need to all believe in evolution, so that the secular world will stop ridiculing us?" - that's what the issue comes down to I think... why is the church even trying to fit in? The gospel is "foolishness" (to quote Paul), it'll never be able to slot right into's not meant to!
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a problem with believing in Evolution, but I do think that creationists shouldn't be made to look like idiots. Well I spose some are, but there are some of those in every belief lol.
ReplyDeleteSo its Lisa and I'm to lazy to log into the blog site since I'd have to see what my username is...
ReplyDeleteAnyways I think it makes sense to believe in creationism, that god created people and not in evolution. Why? Evolution says the strongest group survives and since homosexuals can't reproduce with each other (unless you know the closeted gay man and lesbian get married...) we would have to have died out by now right? There is no biological purpose for being gay so it kinda makes sense to believe in creationism and not evolution.
Also evolution cannot fit into the Christian theology.
Also, Christians can claim to believe in evolution but they will still look like fools by non-christians. That is a fact of life.
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ReplyDeleteHrm. Not sure how I feel about this post.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if I made you feel less clever for being a creationist. Really. Sometimes I like to challenge people in a light hearted way but I realise that's not for everyone and sometimes people take this the wrong way! So I didn't mean to cause offense and I apologise.
I try to make clear my problem is not with creationists, but hyper-creationists who make believing in their 6-day interpretation of Genesis 1 THE yard-stick and barometer of Christian belief, through which all must pass. I think its very much a secondary issue. But, coming from a secular school and upbringing I know that for my friends literal creationism does sound silly. I would hate, hate for that to be made an (unnecessary) barrier to faith in Christ because of hyper-creationists who get really really excited about this (secondary) doctrine for some reason, as if the validity of the gospel hinges on whether they can prove 6-day creationism (an uphill battle in my understanding). Who publish their own textbooks and magazines and hand out tracts and stuff. In my opinion, coming from the sub-culture I do, it just unnecessarily turns people off. It sends the message that faith and science are at war, and if you want to become a Christian you have to ditch what your science teachers, your biology professors, mainstream science teaches and only buy science books from Koorong. (Not you nice, balanced creationists, but the hyper-creationists). I personally don't think that's the case. Our faith doesn't hinge on this. It is a secondary issue on which good people can and do disagree. I'm open to the possibility of my loosely-held theistic evolution (in which Gen 1 and 3 are poetic stories which teach us something true about God - like Deut 4:24) being wrong. But I know God is powerful enough to use evolution as a means for creation if he chooses.
I think that the important information to get from Gen 1 and 3 is not HOW the earth was made, but by whom and why. But I can see and understand how people can come to other interpretations which are also biblically true. And that's great!
Secondly I was only curious as to why Genesis 1 and 3 should be taken literally while Romans 1:23-27 or 1 Corinthians 6:9 (or Genesis 2:24 for that matter) presumably needn't be.
I feel uncomfortable being named and shamed online. Maybe that's just because I'm old-fashioned and use a fountain pen and typewriter :) I think I would feel much more comfortable and able to be open in discussions (e.g. Bible study) if in future you maybe made things anonymous or used an alias. Just a suggestion, but maybe that's just me. Peace out
Corinthians 6:9 is mistranslated. Paul never said homosexuals cannot go to heaven. The word he used for "homosexual" in Greek most closely translates to pedophile.
ReplyDeleteI would also hate it if people were turned off Christianity by OTT creationists. I hope I am not too OTT!
ReplyDeleteHowever, there are people who have found faith in Jesus through the work of Creation Ministries. I don't think we as Christians should discount any method of evangelism. I personally believe there are more effective methods, and thank goodness. Wouldn't it be terrible if we all tried the exact same thing?
The word in 1 Corinthians 6:9 is debatable I guess. Because the resources I have (including my Greek NT) say it is best translated as homosexual, not paedophile.
ReplyDeleteBut on the creation topic, I don't think you are to OTT Rosalie, and you're tight that we shouldn't discount it, but nor should we restrict ourselves to simply that one form.
I've read that if he meant homosexual, he would have chosen a few other words that were more commonly it's more likely he meant abuser of young boys... Not sure how that became related.. oooh taking things literally.
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite sure what OTT means, so I can't say whether you are one or not. I don't really know a whole lot about Creation Ministries, but what I do know, I don't really like. I feel as though they say there is no way creation didn't happen, and I don't like that, but that's just me and maybe they don't say that *shrugs*...Is that the thing Jonathan Safarti is in...??
Over The Top.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, I don't know why I still kinda like them, after how horrible Jonathon was to me. And being blocked from their Facebook group :P See, I'm obviously not a crazy creationist after all. If I was, I wouldn't have got blocked.
Ooh you're not over the top. You're not one of those crazy people who won't even consider the posibility of something else. And Ugh *shudders* Dr. Safarti..won't be buying any of his books. He's something that rhymes with the word wanker. Oh wait, nope, he's one of those.
ReplyDeleteHe's just foolish. Can't dislike him just because he doesn't know any better.
ReplyDeleteHe does know better.