Sunday, July 18, 2010


Church tonight was hilarious. First I was on sound desk which stresses me immensely, coz i am still learning how to do it, and it's scary. But noone really cares if I make mistakes lol, so I shouldn't really stress so much.
Then we had a massive leak which started during communion. As in, the roof started leaking. I heard it first, and while I was still trying to see where it was coming from, someone noticed water trickling down the wall. Before long it had turned into a mini deluge, and we were frantically finding buckets to catch the water, and move things out of the way.
Then coz I had been concentrating for so long, all my craziness came out during supper, and i had great fun being the clown :P I was on supper, and I hadn't been able to spend ages on baking and stuff, plus I am feeling like everything I try and make is a failure, so I just made baby quiches ( so named because of their size, not ingredients) and cold rolls, and then for sweets had yoyos to ice and decorate. It was reasonably entertaining.
Then I had to blow dry the water damaged hymn books (good thing I happened to have my hair drier on me) and help clean up, which, naturally, ended with me spilling milk all through the fridge and making even more work for us.
Then we went and watched a movie, which was fun but I didn't really get what was happening. My inability to distinguish men's faces didn't help, and we'd missed the beginning so I had no chance.
Now i'm home and have run out of dvds which is pretty sad. Oh well. I'll catch up on desperate housewives online hehe.

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