My church has just started a charity. It's very exciting. You can find out more about it here.
We have 2 400 empty bottles just waiting to be filled with small change, the 'shrapnel' that collects in the ashtray of your car, the bottom of your handbag, and down the back of the couch. Money we don't even notice we have. Then this money is going to be used to dig clean water wells in Africa. 100% of the profits go towards the well, our church has paid for things like the bottles and stuff.
Anyway, enough about that. Most of you know about Small Change For Change anyway.
I have been noticing over the last week, that my attitude towards the project has been changing. When I first heard about the idea, I thought it sounded great. It seemed logical, and achievable. But it was all in my head. I felt no connection to the people, no real sympathy for them.
But God has been working in my heart, and that has changed. Seeing photos and watching video footage of evidence of the dirty water crisis has broken my heart. I am praying for change, and trying to start to live for change. I don't know how that's going to go. I just know that I can't sit back anymore and think that I'm not a part of the problem, and that I can't be a part of the solution.
I'm blogging this because I want it to be somewhat public. I want to be kept accountable.
For me, Small Change For Change isn't just about change in the 2 or 3 communities that will get wells as a result of this year's efforts. It's about change in my community as well.
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