Is it possible to have your heart broken platonically? I think so.
I've had my heart broken romantically. A couple of years ago. It was horrible. It involved a lot of tears, and wine, and sad sad movie, and Lady Antebellum's "need you now" on repeat. I'd prefer to never do that again.
But over my life, I think my heart has been broken by friends on several occasions. I don't enjoy the demise of any relationship. Sometimes that happens naturally. I understand this. Friendships have their seasons. You never let them leave your heart, but you don't see them every day.
But sometimes a friend has suddenly decided that they don't like you, or just don't care, or for whatever reason, they decide to end things.
I don't ever expect this. And it's kind of like a break up in many ways. For example, I usually end up on the couch, crying and eating ice cream. Lol actually that may or may not be true. I don't need to reveal quite how much of a cliche I am right now.
It hurts a lot, is what I'm trying to say. I don't know if this is normal. Have others experienced this?
On my worst days, I assume this only happens to me. That I am somehow unlovable. But when I am realistic, I guess this happens to everyone. I may be more sensitive than some people, but I am not the cause of this. Or at least I hope not.
This has probably only happened 3 or 4 times. One of those times the person forgave me, and we 'got back together', and are still friends now. One is recent, and I hold a little hope that things can change. But there are a couple of people I still feel devastated about losing. I still love them with all my heart, but the friendship has meet been rebuilt. I don't cry every day, or anything crazy. But they are always somewhere there at the back of my mind.
So what is worse? Losing love or losing friendship? How can that possibly be measured?
I love my friends. All of them. Whether they accept that or not.