I feel as though I should try and say something thought provoking, with long words and insightful analogies. But I have just got home from driving like 800 kms, and am kind of thought out. Maybe I could share some of my driving thoughts?
1. Someone should create a voice activated wikipaedia device for cars. Come on, it would be brilliant. All those questions in need of an answer that you come up with while driving, could actually become questions with an answer.
2. Youth Ministry is incredibly hard. Actually all ministry is. More on that later :)
3. I hate clutter, and want to decluttify my life. I also now hate that decluttify is not a word. Declutter? Unclutter? Shall I just keep typing words until one comes up without red underlining? See, now this point is cluttered. I give up.
Well, those are all the thoughts I can remember. I'm sure I had more, and they were very interesting.
Actually I can remember more, but they shall not become public knowledge :P Some things are better left in my head. Although, isn't the whole point of blogging to let out those particular thoughts? Or maybe not...